We encourage clients to conduct research to understand their legal issues and find support relevant to their situation. Many excellent online resources are available. These include:
Juliet’s Resources
- Facebook Group – Juliet facilitates the private Facebook group Divorce: Women Supporting Women Before, During & After.
- Books – Purchase one of Juliet’s books, Divorce Wisdom & Bits of Divorce Wisdom.
- Blog – Visit Juliet’s Divorce Wisdom blog for insights on a variety of topics related to divorce.
- Social Media Accounts – Follow Juliet on Instagram and Facebook.
- Websites – Juliet’s divorce practice website provides details about her family law practice. You can also visit the website that promotes her books on divorce.
Family law disputes and family relationship matters may be resolved through mediation. Mediation is a process in which an impartial third party facilitates communication and negotiation to promote and achieve voluntary decision-making by the parties in conflict. Mediation provides an opportunity for parties to understand different perspectives and explore possible solutions. For more information on mediation, go to http://www.mediate.com/articles/what.cfm.
Collaborative Divorce
Collaborative divorce, also known as collaborative practice, collaborative divorce or collaborative family law, is a structured process enabling couples who have decided to separate or end their marriage to work with their lawyers and, sometimes other professionals, to achieve a settlement that best meets the specific needs of both parties and their children without the threat of litigation. A participation agreement is signed at the outset of the process which binds the couple to the collaborative process and disqualifies their respective lawyer’s right to represent either one in any future family-related litigation. More information, descriptions and tools related to collaborative practice can be found at https://www.collaborativepractice.com and Collaborative Professionals of Washington.
Northwest Justice Project (NJP)
Northwest Justice Project (NJP) is a non-profit organization that offers free legal services to eligible low income individuals. Call their Coordinated Legal Education, Advice and Referral (CLEAR) system at 1-888-201-1014 or find them on the web at http://www.nwjustice.org/.
Washington State Court
The Washington State Court website offers links to forms and instructions for divorce, domestic violence protection proceedings, anti-harassment proceedings, and other proceedings at www.courts.wa.gov/forms/.
Clark County Courts
The Clark County Courts website provides information about the court, family court services, and the current weekly docket schedule, where parties can confirm the schedule for pending hearings at http://www.clark.wa.gov/courts/index.html.
Clark County Bar Association
The Clark County Bar Association, maintains a list of links on a variety of topics at www.ccbawashington.org.
Domestic Violence
Victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact their local police authority and to seek the assistance and support of the YWCA SafeChoice Domestic Violence Program. http://www.ywcaclarkcounty.org/safechoice.htm.
Lawyer Referral Service
The Southwest Washington Lawyer Referral Service maintains a list of attorneys at law who are available to receive referrals. Their telephone number is: (360) 695-0599.
Volunteer Lawyers Program
The Clark County Volunteer Lawyers Program is a non–profit organization that provides free legal assistance to low income Clark County residents in civil (non-criminal) areas of the law. Their intake telephone number is: (360) 695-5313.
Washington Law Help
Washington Law Help is provided as a public service by the Northwest Justice Project in collaboration with other legal aid providers in the Alliance for Equal Justice and Washington courts. Useful information can be found on their website at www.WashingtonLawHelp.com.
Children’s Mental Health
Children’s Center is dedicated to serving the community by providing quality mental health services to children and families of Clark County. Their website is: http://www.thechildrenscenter.org/.
Children’s Home Society of Southwest Washington offers professional counselors to help children and parents communicate effectively, manage stress, identify and address problems, and find solutions that strengthen the whole family. Their website is: http://www.childrenshomesociety.org/.